About Us
Heronhead Bikes was started from a love of bicycles, community and wanting to help people in Brantford ride their bikes more.
Like many people, my first bike increased my world as a kid from what I could walk to, to what I could ride to. From exploration with buddies to transportation; to school at first, then work. When I turned 16 it disappeared for a few years. It showed up once in a while when I needed to get somewhere and my parents car wasn't available. When it returned, it returned as a mountain bike and, now, a vintage bike or a cruisers.
An opportunity to buy a bike shop came in late 2019 but didn't work out. I knew there was room for another independent bike shop in Brantford and in May 2021, we opened our temporary shop on Grand River Avenue. Once a zoning amendment was approved, we opened at 120 Morrell Street in October. It was built as an auto mechanic shop in the early 1960's. On our second day we hosted Kim Clark as part of the Holmedale Art Crawl and welcomed lots of art crawl folks and new neighbours. It was pretty cool.
It's been quite an interesting learning curve since starting this adventure in 2019.
The more I learn about bicycles, the more I think everyone should get one when they are five years old. To young riders, they offer self-confidence and freedom. Both are so important to growing up. To adults, they offer easy exercise, a chance to be a kid again and, best of all, they are cheaper to run than a vehicle for short distance trips.
Once a rider learns how to use a bicycle, learning how to fix it is also important. Learning how to change a tire, align your gears and use tools are problem solving skills that will help everyone through life.
I'm lucky to have met a group of people from all over southern Ontario that feel the same way. Even luckier to have met, and work with, some here in Brantford
All of that is nice but the real magic of bicycles is that they are fun to ride. We're here to help you enjoy the long sweet ride.
For our Vision, Mission & Core Values, please click on the link below, on the left, at the bottom of "Quick Links" because I can't figure out how to put a hot link here. Thanks!
Brantford Armories
River Road, Eagle Place
Light The Night / GLOW RIDE - Wilkes Dam